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constructor(address _masterAddress, address _factoryContractAddress) (public)#

create(string _name, string _code, string _amountIdentifier, string[] _images) (public)#

Creates a new material token

create(string _name, string _code, string _amountIdentifier, string[] _images, uint256[] _recipeMaterialTokenId, uint256[] _recipeMaterialAmount) (public)#

Creates a new compound material

mint(uint256 _tokenID, uint256 _amount) (public)#

Mint a new raw material

mint(uint256 _tokenID, uint256[] _batchesId, uint256[][] _batchesMaterialsUuid) (public)#

Mints a compound material

createBatch(string _code, uint256[] _uuids) (public)#

Create a new batch

destroyBatch(uint256 _batchId) (public)#

Destroy a batch and move all materials to the balance of the user

burnBatchTokens(uint256 _batchId, uint256[] _uuids) (public)#

Burn some tokens from a batch

burnBatchToken(uint256 _batchId, uint256 _uuid) (public)#

Burn a token from a batch

assignCertificate(uint256 _certificateCode, uint256 _itemIdentifier) (public)#

Assigns a certificate to a material

cancelCertificate(uint256 _certificateCode, uint256 _itemIdentifier) (public)#

Cancels a certificate forom a material

revokeCertificate(uint256 _certificateCode, uint256 _itemIdentifier) (public)#

Revokes a certificate forom a material

changeBatchOwnershipBatch(uint256[] _batchIds, address _newOwner, uint256 _transportId) (public)#

Changes the owner of multiple batches at once

removeBatchFromAddress(uint256 _batchId) (public)#

Remove a batch from a specified address.